Appliance Depot picked as beneficiary of Bellingham Traverse

The nonprofit Appliance Depot in Bellingham has been selected by Recreation Northwest as the beneficiary of the 2013 Bellingham Traverse race.

Recreation Northwest picks one local nonprofit organization each year to receive a portion of all Traverse race fees and beer sales during the event. Bellingham Traverse is a multi-sport event celebrating the life cycle of wild salmon and the natural and urban challenges of their journey, according to the event’s website.

The selected organization must demonstrate a commitment to the community in the programs that it offers, and also have a history of involvement with the Traverse as an awareness and fundraising opportunity.

Appliance Depot, which salvages, repairs, and sells used appliances while providing job training and experience to low-income residents, has supported the Traverse for years by supplying volunteers and its truck to transport bicycles from the end of the each biking leg to the finish line at Boundary Bay Brewery.

In selecting the nonprofit, Traverse staff recognized Appliance Depot’s dedication to waste reduction and job training, calling it “impressive” and “an important contribution to our community,” according to an Aug. 13 news release.

Traverse fans can become eligible to win prizes, including a grand prize of a Delta 10 Kayak, when they donate $5 to Appliance Depot at the Traverse website.

Appliance Depot can be reached at 360-527-2646, or online at call

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