Blaine event will cover small-business growth, development

Western Washington University’s Small Business Development Center and the Blaine Chamber of Commerce will host a workshop to assist small-business owners in growing their companies at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, June 4, in the Blaine School District Ballroom at 765 H St. in Blaine.

The seminar is aimed at helping existing business owners, recent startups and those contemplating new business ventures who want to know more about how to grow customers, increase profitability and secure the financing needed to reach business goals.

The two-hour seminar will cover best practices and winning strategies for attracting, acquiring and keeping quality customers, clients and subscribers, as well as where to look for funding needed for growth.

The workshop will cover:


– Turning your website into a selling machine
– Best practices and examples of successful email marketing campaigns
– How to leverage Google, You Tube, Facebook, and other services for maximum exposure for your business


– How to increase the odds that the bank will say “yes” to your loan request
– Various loan programs that can fund your business growth
– How to run a successful Kickstarter campaign

The event is free and open to the public, but space is limited and registration is recommended.

The Blaine Chamber of Commerce will provide a light dinner.

To register for the seminar, contact Carroll Solomon with the Blaine Visitor Information Center at 360-332-4544 or at For more information about the event, contact Eric Grimstead at the SBDC at 360-778-1762.

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