Building permits, 3/23/15 to 3/27/15

Includes commercial building activity with an estimated valuation listed at $10,000 or more. Records are obtained from the City of Bellingham’s Permit Center. Status updates on permits are available on the city’s website.

Issued permits

750 Lakeway Drive, $340,000 for tenant improvement: remodel of former video store for tire store: discount tire (amended 3/20/15 to relocate fire line). Contractor: Deacon Corp. of Washington. Permit No.: BLD2014-00550. 3/25/15.

3500 Meridian St., $30,000 for commercial: awning addition off the rear of building and replacement of front entry doors. Contractor: Triple S Construction Inc. Permit No.: BLD2015-00063. 3/27/15.

Pending applications

2612 W Maplewood Ave., $50,000 for tenant improvement: 850-square-foot addition to existing market. Permit No.: BLD2015-00118. 3/23/15.

1125 N Garden St., $838,000 for new four-unit apartment building. Permit No.: BLD2015-00116. 3/23/15.

4060 Meridian St., $28,000 for tenant improvement: demo of non-bearing wall and change of occupancy. Contractor: Scoboria Construction Inc. Permit No.: BLD2015-00122. 3/24/15.

635 Telegraph Road, $20,000 for construction of new stormwater detention vault to serve 635 and 655 Telegraph Road. Contractor: Palakika2 LLC. Permit No.: BLD2015-00062. 3/24/15.

112 E Holly St., $150,000 for tenant improvement: interior remodel to provide ADA compliance. Exterior and interior work at recessed corner entry. Permit No.: BLD2015-00123. 3/25/15.

RA Western Washington University, $50,000 for commercial: Convert storage bunker adjacent to rec. center into training room. Permit No.: BLD2015-00100. 3/26/15.

4545 Cordata Parkway 1A, $25,000 for tenant improvement: interior remodel for new restroom and business office with small procedure room remodel: Pacific NW Urology. Permit No.: BLD2015-00124. 3/27/15.

1905 N State St., $46,000 for commercial: Storage rack installation: NAPA Auto Parts. Permit No.: BLD2015-00073. 3/27/15.

Demolition permits

None reported with a calculated value of $10,000 or more.


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