Includes commercial building activity with an estimated valuation listed at $10,000 or more. Records are obtained from the City of Bellingham’s Permit Center. Status updates on permits are available on the city’s website.
Issued permits
516 High St. (WWU Performing Arts Center), $700,000 for commercial: exterior building repairs (stucco and masonry); window replacement, handrail replacement; replace roof drains, gutters, waterproofing system at planter. Contractor: Dawson Construction Inc. Permit No.: BLD2014-00104. 4/11/14.
516 High St. (WWU Old Main), $143,000 for solarium refurbishment and replacement of glazing with new insulated units. Contractor: CDK Construction Services. Permit No.: BLD2014-00066. 4/10/14.
4182 Cordata Parkway, $40,000 for tenant improvement: construct ADA restroom and storage room for new retail smoke shop. Applicant and contractor: Braam Construction Inc. Permit No.: BLD2014-00091. 4/7/14.
Pending applications
4131 Meridian St., $2.3 million for tenant improvement: interior remodel, facade renovation and new entry vestibule: Burlington Coat Factory. Permit No.: BLD2014-00133. 4/8/14.
516 High St. (WWU Old Main), $37,000 for commercial: modification of second-floor offices and cubicles. Permit No.: BLD2014-00134. 4/9/14.
516 High St. (WWU Humanities Building), $10,000 for commercial alteration: repair retaining wall. Permit No.: BLD2014-00135. 4/9/14.