Building permits, Dec. 10-14

Includes commercial building activity in Bellingham with an estimated valuation listed at $10,000 or more. Records are obtained from the City of Bellingham’s Permit Center.


400 Sequoia Drive 200, $15,500 to divide one suite into two #200 and #202 – Comcast. Historical owner: Tay Ku LLC 50 percent and Cordata Venture LLC 50 percent. Contractor: Chad Fisher Construction LLC. Permit no.: BLD2018-1191. Dec. 10.

800 Lakeway Drive, $3,435 for structural for new HVAC – Fred Meyer. Contractor: Key Mech Co fo Washington. Business/tenant: Fred Meyer. Permit no.: BLD2018-1195.

115 Tremont Ave., $404,632.55 for new 4,016 sf church I- Church of the Nazarene. Historical owner: Washington Pacific District. Contractor: TBD. Architect: Grinstad and Wagner Architects. Applicant 2: Grinstad and Wagner Architects. Permit no.: BLD2018-1199. Dec. 12.

4015 Eliza Ave. 18, $30,000 for manufactured home installation – Rojo. Contractor: Eliseo Rojo/Carmen Rojo. Permit no.: BLD2018-1200. Dec. 13.

4043 Northwest Ave., $1,471,974.04 for new medical office building – Care Medical Group. Historical owner: Phycor LLC. Contractor: Ram Construction General Contractor. Permit no.: BLD2018-1201. Dec. 13.

470 Bayview Drive, $22,919.40 for racking for roof mounted solar PV system – Woods Coffee. Contractor: Ecotech Energy Systems LLC. Permit no.: BLD2018-1202. Dec. 14.


21 Bellwether Way, $17,000 for WECU Bellwether rebranding. Contractor: Western Neon Inc. Permit no.: BLD2018-0934. Dec. 14.

1204 Brookstone Drive, $280,488.90 for new single-family residence with attached garage. Historical owner: Galbraith Mountain Preserve LLC. Contractor: Skeers Const Inc. Permit no.: BLD2018-0969. Dec. 12.

21 Bellwether Way 110, $45,000 to remove walls and add new walls to create storage room. Contractor: Exxel Pacific Inc. Business/tenant: Cohanim Bellwether LLC. Permit no.: BLD2018-1059. Dec. 10.

201 East Chestnut St., $265,000 for tenant improvement for new restaurant – Just Poke. Contractor: The Franklin Corporation. Business/tenant: Alndabi Restaurants Inc. Permit no.: BLD2018-1083. Dec. 11.

24 Bellis Fair Parkway, $15,000 for Ashley Homestore – sign and awning. Contractor: The Sign Post Inc. Permit no.: BLD2018-1089. Dec. 12.

3415 James St., $55,000 for new cell tower equipment – Verizon. Contractor: Mastec Network Solutions. Permit no.: BLD2018-1163. Dec. 12.

833 Blackstone Court, $342,596.70 for new single-family residence with attached garage – Alliance Properties. Historical owner: Alliance Properties 2000 LLC. Permit no.: BLD2018-1170. Dec. 12.

180 East Kellogg Road, $68,880 to replace sheating and shingles – Springcreek BLD C. Contractor: Topside Roofing and COnstruction. Permit no.: BLD2018-1178. Dec. 14.

192 East Kellogg Road, $63,900 to replace sheating and shingles – Springcreek Bld J. Contractor: Topside Roofing and Construction. Permit no.: BLD2018-1179. Dec. 14.

194 East Kellogg Road, $63,900 to replace sheating and shingles – Springcreek Bld K. Contractor: Topside Roofing and Construction. Permit no.: BLD2018-1180. Dec. 14.

182 East Kellogg Road, $74,990 to replace sheating and shingles – Springcreek Bld D. Contractor: Topside Roofing and Construction. Permit no.: BLD2018-1181. Dec. 14.

184 East Kellogg Road, $74,990 to replace sheating and shingles – Springcreek Bld J. Contractor: Topside Roofing and Construction. Permit no.: BLD2018-1182. Dec. 14.

3008 Cinema Place, $20,583 for Woods Coffee Sign Image removal and replacement. Contractor: Signs Plus Inc. Permit no.: BLD2018-1185. Dec. 14.

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