Includes commercial building activity in Bellingham with an estimated valuation listed at $10,000 or more. Records are obtained from the City of Bellingham’s Permit Center.
2920 Cody Ave., $243,342.38 for Baca – new single-family residence with attached garage. Permit no.: BLD2016-1063. Nov. 1.
600 Linden Road, $35,346.96 for Harborlands LP. Contractor: Pacific Resources. Permit no.: BLD2016-1064. Nov. 2.
708 Fuchsia Loop, $197,834.40 for single-family residence – Cordata Green LLC. Contractor: Grandview North LLC. Permit no.: BLD2016-0337. Nov. 3.
712 Fuchsia Loop, $136,973.17 for new single-family residence – Cordata Green LLC. Contractor: Grandview North LLC. Permit no.: BLD2016-0339. Nov. 3.
700 Ohio St., $309,000 for new auto sales office – MB Motors. Contractor: Credo Construction. Permit no.: BLD2016-0579. Nov. 3.
2622 Birchwood Ave. 109, $65,000 to convert office/apartment building to four-bedroom unit. Contractor: Ram Construction General Contractor. Permit no.: BLD2016-0827. Nov. 3.
308 West Champion St., $2,750,544 for Baker Apartments LLC. Contractor: Dawson Construction LLC. Permit no.: BLD2016-0990. Oct. 31.
4125 Arctic Ave., $210,000 for Costco – racking. Contractor: Ferguson Construction Inc. Permit no.: BLD2016-0994. Nov. 2.
315 Lakeway Drive, $29,000 for Childcare Worldwide Inc., add four restrooms/access package stall. Permit no.: BLD2016-1024. Nov. 1.