Contract Awards

The following construction contracts were awarded in the past month:

Water system door security improvements; $11,587 to Doorman Commercial of Mount Vernon. Issued by the city of Bellingham.

Ketchikan Shipyard Berth One relieving slab; $638,000 to Dawson Construction Co. of Bellingham. Issued by Alaska DOT/PF – Southeast Region, Juneau, Alaska.

Elementary School No. 15 new construction; $11,386,000 to Tiger Construction, Everson. Issued by the Bellingham School District.

Puget Street pedestrian and bike facilities and Woburn and Alabama intersection improvements; $504,645 to Ram Construction of Bellingham. Issued by the city of Bellingham.

Unit Ventilator replacements; $265,760 to Blythe Plumbing & Heating, Inc. of Bellingham. Issued by the Bellingham School District.

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