As of June 26, the following construction contracts have been awarded: First Avenue improvements, $174,883 to Len Honcoop Gravel, 8911…
Freedom Laboratory Services, a medical testing facility, is scheduled to open by mid-July at 4252 Cordata Parkway Suite 104 next…
Jogo, a local crossfit gym, will be adding a third Bellingham location at the beginning of July. Located at 929…
The King Mountain Neighborhood could see a 238-acre addition later this year if a second annexation request is approved.
Local planners, developers, state agents and politicians raise their drinks to celebrate progress on implementing green building incentives and removing…
Branch manager Susie Marino stands in front of the new KeyBank Building at the corner of E. Holly and N….
Not all compost is created equal, but in one form or another, Whatcom County sure does produce a lot of…