A new program to help local entrepreneurs launch new businesses has just been approved for funding through the Washington State Employment Security…
The only certified Apple computer specialist in northwest Washington is opening a new store. TD Curran, which operates locations in…
With their 4,000-square-foot downtown facility half empty, Corey Warren and Dylan Warnberg are seeking new office-mates—just not the conventional kind….
Community members can attend a meeting to gather information and provide feedback on the future of the Bellingham’s community garden…
Nate Moore has been promoted to a lead staff position at the Bellingham Community Employment Services program of Service Alternatives Inc. Before joining…
The 2013 list of Whatcom County farms offering Community Supported Agriculture shares is now available from the Community Food Co-op…
The North Cascades Meat Producers Cooperative has received a matching-funds loan of up to $65,000 from the Whatcom Community Foundation…
Katie’s Cupcakes plans to celebrate its fourth anniversary on Saturday, March 30, with special cupcake recipe offers and visits from the authors and…
“Whatcom County—Watch Us Grow” will be the theme for this year’s Ski to Sea Blossom Time Parade, according to an announcement from…
The Bellingham/Whatcom Chamber of Commerce & Industry will host its sixth annual Spring Business Showcase from 4-9 p.m. on Wednesday, March…