Don't get duped into paying for free posters, L&I says

The Washington State Department of Labor & Industries reports that scores of businesses have contacted the agency asking about “official-looking” letters received by mail that apparently imply business owners must pay $295 for required workplace posters or face fines.

While state and federal governments require businesses to place certain posters at job sites, L&I has always made those posters available for free. They can be obtained at agency offices or by calling 1-866-219-7321. Posters can also be downloaded at

L&I officials said the mass mailing has confused many business owners, who assume it’s from the state government.  The letters say “final notice,” are addressed to individual businesses, and include a payment stub to purchase the posters for $295.

Further confusion comes from the fact that some private vendors sell required workplace posters, even though the government provides them at no cost.

“Our staff has received lots of calls regarding what appears to be a bill for government posters,” said Anne Foote-Soiza, assistant director of L&I’s Division of Occupational Health and Safety, in a news release. “L&I wants everyone to understand these posters are free for the asking. Please let other business owners know about it, too.”

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