Expo to focus on watershed-friendly landscaping projects

Whatcom County homeowners are invited to the Watershed-Friendly Project Expo from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, June 1, at Bloedel Donovan Park, 2214 Electric Ave. in Bellingham.

The free event will give homeowners a chance to meet expert landscapers and contractors, feel samples of watershed-friendly mulches, drain rock, sand and permeable concrete, as well as see examples of rainwater tanks, pavers and native plants. Homeowners interested in DIY projects can find experts to answer questions, while those looking to hire contractors can meet multiple professionals in one day.

The event is coordinated by the city of Bellingham and Whatcom County, with cooperation from the nonprofit Sustainable Connections as part of the Homeowner Incentive Program. The program provides financial and technical assistance to Lake Whatcom Watershed residents who make voluntary improvements to their properties to protect and restore water quality in the lake.

“Our goal is to help homeowners do projects that both meet their personal goals and protect water quality,” said Eli Mackiewicz, coordinator of the Lake Whatcom Homeowner Incentive Program, in a press release. “We want to provide homeowners with the support and resources they need to turn their ideas into on-the-ground realities.”

The event coincides with the opening day of the work window in the Lake Whatcom Watershed. It also is the final stop of the Bellingham Rain Garden Tour Bloedel Donovan Park and continues with stops throughout the city.

For more information about the Watershed-Friendly Project Expothe Bellingham Rain Garden Tour, the Homeowner Incentive Program, or Lake Whatcom, visit the city’s website at http://www.lakewhatcom.whatcomcounty.org.

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