Launching Success celebrates 10-year anniversary, May 18

Launching Success Learning Store, which sells specialty toys and educational tools for children, will host a special event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 18, to celebrate its 10-year anniversary .

A variety of events and activities are planned, including a “LEGO challenge” for kids, as well as door prizes and games for all ages.

Launching Success has seen strong sales growth each year—averaging 18 percent annually, according to the locally owned company—since it first started as a small boutique store on Northwest Avenue.

Today, the store is located at 133 Prince Ave., just off Meridian Street, in Bellingham. It serves customers in Whatcom, Skagit and Island counties, as well as lower British Columbia.

For more information go to, visit the store on Facebook or call 360-527-2641.

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