In November, we will be voting for two port commissioners who will be making decisions that will affect us all for years to come—the waterfront, airport, living-wage jobs, the kind of economic development that is best for our community, our quality of life. I have been attending port meetings for the past two years because the increased jet traffic from the airport greatly impacts my neighborhood. Commissioner McAuley has impressed me with his desire to fully understand the issues. He takes the time to be fully informed, to read all the necessary documents, to ask questions, to listen before he makes a decision. He puts in the required work and much more so he can truly serve the community rather than just rubber stamping whatever is placed before him. He met with me and other Whatcom residents, taking the time to listen to our concerns about the increased jet traffic. Mike McAuley is endorsed by labor, fishermen and firefighters and environmental groups. Vote for Mike for Port.
Lisa Neulicht
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