Local stores ready to give back on Neighborhood Toy Store Day

Two Bellingham toy stores are celebrating the third annual Neighborhood Toy Store Day on Saturday, Nov. 9. The nationwide event, established by the American Specialty Toy Retailing Association, is designed to promote local shopping and independent retailers.

Little Tiger Toys, located at 112 Grand Ave., in downtown Bellingham, will raffle off a $100 gift card to raise donations for the Community Toy Store, a local nonprofit that allows families in need to shop for toys at greatly discounted prices. The store will also accept donations through Dec. 13.

Launching Success Learning Store, located at 133 Prince Ave., just off Meridian Street in Bellingham, plans to donate 5 percent of its Nov. 9 profits to the Ferndale Holiday Giving Store. Launching Success will also offer free gifts, prizes and a scavenger-hunt challenge.

Learn more about Neighborhood Toy Store Day on the American Specialty Toy Retailing Association’s website.

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