On the Bedside Table

What business owners are reading



Keith Cox

Owner, Keith Cox Autobahn


“Purple Cow”

by Seth Godin


Why "Purple Cow"?

“‘Purple Cow’ was recommended to me by Jason Lee of Baron and Co., who coaches us (at Keith Cox Autobahn) on how to behave in public and with our customer base. 

"I went home, ordered a copy, and on my next flight to L.A. cracked it open and read it. It is not a heavy tome. Godin takes a simple theme, i.e. ‘transform your business by being remarkable,’ and puts feet to it in several great ways. He has multiple anecdotes and examples, which make the concept come alive.

"I especially appreciated the author’s persistence in making me think about what it might take to make my business stand out from the crowd. He was persuasive enough that when I landed, I was immediately on the phone to my team at Keith Cox Autobahn encouraging them to join me in the process. I e-mailed a couple pages of messy notes and we began sorting through our mission to examine what we do to see if any of it was truly remarkable and if not, how we could make it so.

"Godin uses the ‘Purple Cow’ concept to nudge the reader out of the easy chair to look at the edges of what could be changed to accomplish the transformation he claims is available to those who persist. It is humorous, practical and informative. He nudged me to continue our journey at Keith Cox Autobahn from being ‘invisible to remarkable.’”


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