The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission is starting to develop a management plan for Larrabee State Park near Bellingham, and the public has a chance to participate in the process.
The first planning meeting is scheduled from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 16, at the Fairhaven Public Library, 1117 12th St., in Bellingham. Information about the planning project is available online at
Washington State Parks has completed more than 100 land-use plans for parks around the state, through its Classification and Management Plan (CAMP) process.
The public planning process in each case addresses overall visitor experiences, natural resources, use of park buildings, recreation areas and trails and other topics of interest to the community. Land classifications within the park boundary are identified to guide operation of the park, taking into consideration any stewardship and protection concerns and allowing appropriate recreation uses.
Opportunities for public comment will be available at the meeting, and public comment also may be provided by e-mail to, or by calling Park Planner Randy Kline, (360) 902-8632.
Larrabee State Park near Bellingham is the oldest developed park in the state park system. It is a 2,680-acre camping park with more than 8,000 feet of saltwater shoreline along Samish Bay.
The park features 85 campsites, picnic sites, a freshwater lake and watercraft launch, 15 miles of trails, a playground and a popular amphitheater. Larrabee receives an estimated 500,000 visits a year.
For more information about Larrabee, visit