Bellingham resident Mariana Jakobsen is currently working to open Savvy Sprout, a women and children’s consignment store selling new and gently used baby items, at 2701 Northwest Ave.
While the 2500-square-foot building has seen several different businesses, it is currently zoned residential and requires a conditional-use permit before the new business can open. A neighborhood public meeting was held at the proposed location on June 11.
Jakobsen said she is confident the city will grant her the permit.
“I am hoping the community will come out and be supportive of this location as they have in the past,” Jakobsen said.
Jakobsen said she is working with local mothers and crafters that are selling their products at the Bellingham Farmers Market to make sure her business has a great inventory of used clothing, hardware such as cribs and strollers, and organic beddings that local people can afford. The store will also feature cloth diapers and other products made from sustainable organic materials, such as bamboo and hemp.
“You don’t have to spend a lot of money to keep your family clothed and in toys and videos,” Jakobsen said. “And this is a great way to not spend a lot and keep your money in the community.”
Jakobsen said she purchased the property in March and is currently putting in new flooring, siding, paint and landscaping.
“It’s just a fresh once-over, so it will have whole new feel to it,” Jakobsen said.
For more information about this proposal, call city planner Lindsay Kershner at (360) 778-8300.