Small Business Development Center celebrates 30th year

Western Washington University’s Small Business Development Center will host a 30th anniversary celebration from 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Friday, April 18, at the center’s downtown Bellingham office at 115 Unity St., Suite 101.

The free event will feature appetizers, beverages and door prizes, along with a slideshow covering the three-decade history of the SBDC and its impact on businesses and entrepreneurs in Whatcom County. Music will be performed by DJ Birdman.

WWU’s Small Business Development Center is part of an alliance of more than 1,000 similar programs across the country. It provides free advising, technical assistance and research to local business owners and managers.

For more information on the anniversary event, contact Jennifer Shelton, the center’s director, at 360-778-1762.

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