TAG's executive director accepts COO job at Red Rokk

Sommer Cronck, the executive director of the Technology Alliance Group for Northwest Washington, has accepted a new position as chief operating officer of Red Rokk, a Bellingham-based digital marketing company.

Cronck will begin her new job at Red Rokk May 1. A search for a new executive director for TAG is set to begin April 7.

Mark Knittel, owner of Ovation Technical Services and the current chair of TAG’s board of directors, said in a news release:

“Anyone that has worked with Sommer in the two years since she joined TAG knows that she is a very effective and creative executive, and so while we all regret losing her, we believe that this move is evidence of the strong role of TAG in the local community, and to the vibrancy and future of the tech marketplace in our region. We fully expect that she will provide similar benefit to Red Rokk, so we wish her the best as she moves on with her career.”

Those interested in submitting resumes to TAG for the executive director position can find more information online at www.tagnw.org. The nonprofit organization represents Whatcom County-area technology businesses and professionals.

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