Time for your resolutions

    Holy cow, is it really almost 2007 already? It seems like just a few weeks ago I was filling up the inflatable pool for my kids — but this week’s horrendous winter weather is certainly proof positive that the Dog Days of summer are long gone.
   So as the New Year appears in our not-too-distant future, what are you resolving to do with your business?
   How are you planning to grow, expand, and adapt to the ever-changing business climate?
   If you’re like me, you’re always thinking of ideas. I’m an idea guy. I love to come up with concepts I’ve never tried before, and work them out in my head. How can Idea X boost my bottom line, improve the image of the paper, or make marketing that image any easier?
   Conceptualizing is my strong point; transforming those concepts into reality is always harder and more work, and I’m not nearly as good at it as I am with coming up with the bright ideas in the first place (although in my defense I don’t think I’m exactly alone in possessing this foible); if I had a nickel for every good idea that has come — and gone, unrealized — from this hunk of gray matter between my ears, I’d be a millionaire.
   So my first resolution for the New Year this go-’round is to put more of these ideas into motion.
   For example:
   BBJ Online — It is safe to say you’ll be seeing some changes in the coming year to our enormously successful subscriber-only daily news service — changes that will bring you more information in an easier to read format. Stay tuned, and check out www.bbj-online if you haven’t already, and register for a free month to see what you’re missing.
   BBJ E-Journal — We are going to be investing a lot of time in the next year on our Web presence. Right now the entire paper is available to read online at www.thebellinghambusinessjournal.com, but we’re going to be integrating BBJ Online more seamlessly with the E-Journal site to give it a more central, unified presence on the Web. It will be easier to move around and find what you’re looking for.
   The BBJ — As always, we’re going to look to continue to evolve and give you more of what you ask for.

Comin’ ’round the mountain:
   There’s some cool stuff coming up for BBJ readers! Our always-looked-for (and now oft-copied) Readers Choice Awards ballots will appear, as usual, in the January edition of the BBJ. We’ll look to spice things up with some new categories this year, and include most of the closely contested categories of years past as well.
   Also some time in January, BBJ readers will find a little something extra stuffed in their mailboxes — our third annual Book of Lists. Info-mania!
   Keep an eye out, and we’ll see you in 2007 — have a great holiday season!



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