Local planners, developers, state agents and politicians raise their drinks to celebrate progress on implementing green building incentives and removing barriers to sustainable development on May 12.
In December 2008, Sustainable Connections kicked off its Five/12 project, a local effort to create five green building incentives in 12 months. The May 12 event at Uisce on Commercial Street was designed to be a progress report from city staffers, state agencies and Sustainable Connections about the status of specific incentives and research data regarding desired incentives.
“We just wanted to have a celebration to let people know where we are in the process,” said Nick Hartrich, green building program manager at Sustainable Connections.
Hartrich said he will release a detailed report on the Five/12 project in early June. Hartrich is hoping to have five incentives instituted by January 2010.
For more information, call (360) 647-7093 ext. 107.