Washington No. 2 on 'Best States for Business' list

The Bellingham Business Journal

Washington state is just ranked second on the Forbes.com annual “Best States for Business” list, which is up from a No. 3 ranking in 2006. This year, Virginia was ranked No. 1.

The magazine ranks all 50 states and the ranking measures six vital categories for businesses: costs, labor supply, regulatory environment, current economic climate, growth prospects and quality of life. Business costs that include labor, energy and taxes are weighted the most heavily.

Soon after the ranking was released, Gov. Chris Gregoire, released a statement.

“I am delighted that Washington increased its position in the Forbes.com rankings. Our high ranking is a testament to Washington’s strong workforce training programs, our schools, the ingenuity of the state’s companies, our superior global ties and our desirable quality of life,” Gregoire said in a statement.

Washington ranks No. 1 in the country for its growth prospects and No. 3 for overall economic climate. However, the state ranked No. 27 for business costs and No. 24 for quality of life.

To see the entire list, click here.


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