On Monday, June 11, WTA will begin operating commuter-oriented transit service from its downtown Bellingham station to Squalicum Harbor.
The service, designated Route 46, will travel down Roeder Avenue as far as Squalicum Way, stopping to serve employment centers along the route.
Route 46 will operate on weekdays only and will offer three trips during the morning peak and three trips in the evening peak.
Departure times were chosen based on work schedules at major waterfront employers, including CH2MHill, Bellingham Cold Storage and the Port of Bellingham.
Funding for Route 46 is provided by the city of Bellingham’s Transportation Benefit District, which is governed by the City Council.
The funding is guaranteed for a one-year trial, When the trail period is complete, WTA staff and the Transportation Benefit District will review ridership data to make any necessary route or schedule adjustments and determine whether the route should continue.
For route and schedule information, visit www.ridewta.com or call 676-RIDE (7433).