Year-end market indicators: Housing and other factors

Market indicators include the most recently available data. Statistics are also available in print editions of The Bellingham Business Journal.

Annual changes, where applicable, compare the cumulative year-to-date totals with numbers from the same time period during the previous year. Data include raw numbers only and are not adjusted to account for any seasonal factors.

Housing sales
Includes single-family homes and condos in Whatcom County

Closed sales, 2014: 2,862

Source: Northwest Multiple Listing Service

Feb. Issue Housing sales


Housing sale prices
Includes single-family homes and condos in Whatcom County

December 2014: $288,458 (December 2013: $270,573)

Source: Northwest Multiple Listing Service


Feb. Issue housing sale prices


Foreclosure rate
Includes foreclosures in Whatcom County

October 2014: 0.84 percent (Octoiber 2013: 1.14 percent)

Source: CoreLogic


Feb. Issue Foreclosures and delinquencies


Airport traffic

Includes total traffic at Bellingham International Airport

Year-end total, 2014: 538,052

Source: Port of Bellingham

Feb. Issue Airport traffic


Cruise terminal traffic

Includes inbound/outbound passengers at Bellingham Cruise Terminal

Year-end total, 2014: 25,603; 2013 total: 26,128

Source: Port of Bellingham 

Feb. issue cruise terminal traffic

Border traffic

Includes southbound passenger-vehicle crossings into Whatcom County

year-end total, 2014: 5,356,623

Source: Cascade Gateway Data


Feb. Issue border traffic



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